Thanks to Diana B. we have the first spotting!! :D Cool!
Recently mysterious messages in a bottle were seen in different spots of Kreuzberg.
We are currently monitoring this strange phenomenon.
Whoever spots one of them please get in touch.

Help us by telling us where you detected them, posting the message you found inside the bottles, sending pictures...

We need all your support for this mission.

Skurrilitäten Kollektiv

A photo backstage by Diana Pacelli
Die Stadt ist auf uns und wir sind in ihr.
Die Stadt ist ein Körper, unser Körper.

The city on us, we are in it. 
The city is a body, our body.

La città è su di noi e noi dentro lei.
La città è un corpo, il nostro.

Body painting Ale Senso
Sounds Irimiás
Editor Elena Fay Ray
Powered by Skurrilitäten Kollektiv
Work in progress on Skurrilitäten Lab...